sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2011

Exercicio - treinamento TBW 3/4


  1. Você vai cantar uma musica para nós? 
Are you going to sing a song to us? (+ two objects) one object: for/to

  1. Eu quero cantar uma música para ela.
I want to sing a song to/for her.

  1. 1901 / 2017/2008 
nineteen oh one / two thousand (and) seventeen / two thousand (and) eight

  1. Eu não queria nada daquele menino?
I didn’t want anything from that boy.

  1. Preciso colocar as roupas na gaveta. 
I need to put the clothes in the drawer.

  1. Eu estava sozinho na praia.
I was alone (at – on) the beach.

  1. Nos não estávamos na festa. 
We weren’t (at – in) the party. (Noção de espaço – estar na festa).

  1. Pensei em você hoje. 
I thought (of - about) you today.  (of = imagine – about = idea, consider).

  1. Ele deixou o chapéu na estação de ônibus.
He left the hat (in – at) the bus station. (at; can be outside or inside the bus station).

  1. O que você vai dar ao seu pai de aniversario? 
What are you going to give / are you giving your father for his birthday? What are you going to give to your father on his birthday?

  1. Eu sempre dou gorjeta a garçonete. 
I always give tips to the waitress.

  1. Eu dei a ele um presente. 
I gave him a gift.

  1. Não quero dar um vestido a minha sobrinha. 
I don’t want to give a dress to my niece.

  1. Esqueci de trazer o dinheiro para você. 
I forgot to bring the money for you. (Sb/sth to sth) she brought her boyfriend to the party. (Sth for Sb) Bring a present for Helen. (Sb Sth) Bring Helen a present.

  1. Eu escrevi uma carta para Lucy. 
I wrote a letter to Lucy.

  1. Eu os convidei para jantar.
I invited them for dinner. (sb to sth) Have you been invited to their party? (sb to do sth) They have invited me to go to Paris with them. (formal – sb to/for sth) Candidates will be invited for interview next week.

  1. Ele nos convidou para a festa de Natal. 
He invited us to the Christmas party.

  1. Eu a convidei para a festa.
I invited them to the party.

  1. Você anda até a escola todos os dias?
Do you walk up to School every day?

  1. Meu filho teve febre ontem. 
My son had a fever yesterday.

  1. Eu tenho a solução para seu problema. 
I have a solution to your problem.  (to or for, to more common)

  1. Qual é a solução para as escolas publicas? 
What is the solution to the public schools?

     Until: she worked until 10am.
     Up to: She walked up to the house.
     Even: she called even the beggars to the party.
     By: she will finish the report by 10pm

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